Heard that Apthost sucks? How about Apthost hosting problems? Saw some Apthost down times, Apthost hosting complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about Apthost webhost? READ THIS FIRST!
If you are considering to get a hosting account from Apthost, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “Apthost Sucks” or “Apthost bad” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about Apthost.com thus far?
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Did Apthost.com experiences and stories like below or made you think twice to signup with Apthost Hosting?
- “…I did a major overhaul of my website and this morning, I found out that my website had been reverted to like two days ago. Emailed them and was told nothing can be done…”
- “…Basically I’m screwed. Thanks Apthost.”
- “I’ve made huge changes to my site
successfully and I went to bed, next morning woke up to find that all my efforts went down the drain…“
If you go through each of Googles result pages, it seems there are many unsatisfied customers and clients who have been through some sticky situation with Apthost. If you search for the keywords “Apthost sucks”, you see that there are hundreds of search engine result pages (SERPs) returned by Google. Is that a lot of bad things said about one hosting? Assuming all those result pages really talk about why this hosting provider sucked in some ways. There may be a few more result pages when you search for “Apthost scam”, “Apthost issues“, or ”Apthost problems“. Do these hate or complaint sites worry you after you have read so many positive reviews? Did the hate pages make you wonder if Apthost hosting is any good?
Hosting | Total “Rock” Pages About Web Host |
Total Suck Pages About This Host |
Disatisfaction Ratio |
Apthost | 3 | 200+ | 100:1 |
Does this kind of research too simplistic? It is, but it works. You ask any 15-year old and ask if they prefer to use a company with 200 complaints or no complaint? Don’t under estimate the power of simplicity. Just K.I.S.S.
To be fair, you should also look at the positive sides of Apthost. Do not dismiss the fact that Apthost is one of the few PHP5 hosting companies offering FFmpeg in the market today. You have to read the other good Apthost reviews elsewhere. Apthost is probably not all bad, although we would not put our money on it. If you need to use FFmpeg, the have these modules installed: FFmpeg & FFmpeg-php, Libogg & Libvorbis, Flv2tool, LAME MP3 Encoder, Mplayer, Mencoder, and GD Library.
From the above number, there are more complaints than positive comments about them on the web. But that is normal even with the best website hosts. So you need to go through the complaints and judge them yourself. As a matter of fact, you may not encounter the same situation. Apthost also comes 30-day money back guarantee.
We know, finding a good web hosting can be tiring and time consuming, when you should be building website, writing your blog or selling your product. We are not against or for Apthost. We let you be the judge.
Our verdict: Hostingsthatsuck.com Recommends An Alternative Host
We are now recommending the alternative hosting plans by InMotion hosting. You pay for what you need as they are not one of those unlimited domains hosting kind of company. You need FFmpeg or any other software installed? Not a problem. Our Myhosting review and InMotion hosting review said it all. They are the best in terms of not having much complaints on the web. If you have any doubt at all about AptHost, get InMotion instead. If you are asking for another webhost recommendation, InMotion is your answer. InMotion hosting has more options than Apthost in terms of price and hosting plans.
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I’m in web business since 1996.
So obviously I’ve been around!
I have changed many hosting providers in reseller and VPS packages. Always being a very patient client in issues with my service.
For the last 2 years I’m with AptHost. These guys have top support and very reliable service. My hardware issues are eliminated and all other “soft” issues need of human support are resolved in light speed.
AptHost gave me the piece of mind that I was looking for, now I can concentrate to sales and my clients needs… Apt does the hard work for me, in a fair price too!
I have used many others host’s in the past and they all had some problem or another with them. I have been with Aphost for 6 months now and they really impress me. I am pretty much a novice when it comes to alot of the different things like mysql,and other areas. They have allways been there with a quick resolution to my questions and problems that I did not know how to fix or address. I use them for 5 different sites on one account and everyone of them run flawlessly. If your looking for reliable low cost hosting for your site.
One happy customer here.
Keep up the great work Aphost!
Are you fucking kidding me? Where the fuck are you from? Mars?
Here’s my experience with Apthost so far:
I have been customer for them for over 2 years now. I referred lot of my website clients to them because they are looking for hosting.
The price was decent and the service was good on shared hosting so I keep using them until I decided to go to dedicated hosting. That’s where all the fucks up happened.
First they charged me for dedicated server that I ordered but gives me one below level server. I checked my server specs to find out. I didn’t say anything because I thought they just made honest mistake.
After that I was getting lot of traffic and I upgraded the port to 100mbps. It was working great.
Then suddenly they closed my account stating that it was mistake and from that point all the headaches started to pour in. The site wasn’t operational most of time and the server keep crashing.
I keep calling them and sending them e-mails to fix the problem. They keep restarting the server. Finally they told me that problem is happening because of memory issue and I need to upgrade the server.
So I ordered new server with 2 x Intel Xeon 5345 DQC with Dual Processor, Quad Core utilizing the 1333 MHZ FSB and 4Gb memory.
It suppose to be setup within 24 hours but it took them over 4 days to setup. After the new server is setup they started to migrate data from old server to new server.
Now it is 2nd day I’m waiting for the migration to be done. I just checked the new server through FTP and realized that it stop migrating for 1 day now because my current server been stop working for 1 whole fucking day.
They don’t respond to e-mails and when I do called them, they keep telling me that they are working on it.
Well, I’m sick and tired of hearing they are working on it.
Well, here’s the most fucked up part about Apthost. I found out by checking out the new server specs and realized they gave me lower level server but charging me for higher level server. What the fuck?
I just sent them another e-mail complaining this problem and have them fix the both server issue and my billing issue.
I have advice for anybody who wants to look for hosting company: STOP FUCK AWAY FROM APTHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once the new server is finally up and running, I’m going to look for new hosting company because I lost lot of time and money by dealing with Apthost.
So where the fuck are you from that you are saying Apthost is good?
i use to like them until i got a deticated server that they could never get right so we opted to cancel the server we submitted a ticket to have our sites sent back to our shared server with them and cancel the deticated server this took 5 weeks to complete during this time we got billed for the deticated server again we then asked about a hundred more times throught there ticket system to get this server canceled and have been unsuccessfull so i sent another cancellation request with all the details of why i wanted to cancel this server then they emailed me back asking me why after i already told them i then responed to them and they say the never got the responce and canceled the ticket and kept the server on i then get another bill after i asked them to turn the server of 3 times now then i get this in my email Hello,
I have canceled the server however because your request was within 7 days of the server renewal date you will be required to pay the current due invoice on your account as the due date is today. Please login and pay this invoice, once you do you will no longer be required to pay any further invoices.
Cody McLain
Customer Service | AptHost Communications Inc. | https://www.apthost.com/
the finaly canceled the acount but want me to pay for another month are they crazy or wht why would i pay another month when i have been tryingt to get this canceled since april 30
They SUCK!!! I recently noticed that I had been double paying my invoices for the past three months. So I complained about it. I submitted a support ticket, and I have been waiting for almost a month to get it sorted out. Now suddenly they have cancelled my account because they say it hasn’t been paid.
I would never use Apthost again. Their servers corrupted two fully working and separate shopping carts I had hosted with them. I just got a negative ‘your index.php file is incorrect’ from their support team when I enquired about this, who immediately closed the ticket.
I had to remove these carts and upload them again. Two weeks later, all three of my sites had the php code corrupted as did all of my html pages. On browsing my html pages, it was waiting for a service that was not even part of my sites.
I don’t know whether it is malicious code on their servers, or the act of a malicious employee? What I do know, is that I wouldn’t trust them to host my sites ever again.
I have been in the web business for over 13 years now, run hundreds of websites and have hosting servers in several states.
APT Host is absolutely the worst web host that I have ever dealt with. I have experianced prolonged downtimnes with them every couple of months during the year that I hosted some of my sites with them. They do not pick up their support phone lines most of the time and when you finally get hold of someone they don’t seem to really care. They are very unprofessional.
They already had a big lawsuit recently and now my company is in the process of filing another lawsuit against them because the last downtime lasted two weeks during which time my company lost a large sum of money because of this downtime.
If you care about your business STAY AWAY FROM APT HOST!
apt host service has been down more then up in last 3 months, mysql problem, routing problem, bad ram……
noone is answering the calls and live rep is only available for 5 hours per day. If you lucky the rep will tell you to open a trable ticket.
This is the support and hosting apt hos provides me with.
Regardss and tanx for allowing me to vent.
p.s. apt host network is down at this time, again.
Please do not use APTHOST
The errors and downtime are bad but worst ever was the server migration
They warned customers that a server migration was to take place but will not effect customers.
Now i ran a school website for local school
Next day i get hundreds of angry calls from parents, every website i owned on one server had hardcore porn on it, including the childrens website.
I contacted Apthost they said they made a dns error during propagation and resolved it within 24 hours.
I lost the contract for the school, i got punnished on all sites by searchengines and narrowly avoided prosecution.
They would not even apologise for this massive error.
So what did they do?
They then start telling me my useage is too high so cut me off?
I only get 700 visitors max a day, infact the weather site had twice that alone earlier in the year during the snow.
The staff do not have a brain cell between them, they are incompetent and arrogant. I moved to Godaddy hosting, im really not worried about who i host with as nothing can be as bad as APTHOST. I was with them when i first heard horror stories about them, so decided to stay. Big Mistake i should have left straight away. IF you are with them move now, as its a nightmare to leave later trust me.
APTHOST need to be put into administration and i would not like anyone to lose all their work when it happens
So if your with APTHOST get out now, if you were thinking of hosting with APTHOST don’t.
The good comments about Apthost are probably mostly done by Apthost them selves.
This is by far the worst hosting ever. You will lose all your data at some point if you host with these. i lost data on two seperate servers, including database stuff which means your back at day one. Searchj engines will penalise you for downtime.
Godaddy may have some issues but in general its a better service all around than Apthost.
Apthost lied constantly and cheat you in every way they can. This is a sign of a company going bust, so be aware, if you have hosting with these clowns and they go bust it will take weeks to sort out your domains etc. Trust me i was with a company that went bust and two domains i lost forever.
As for the owners of the circus called Apthost, you have the two clowns Ben Welch-bolen and Joel Brown. They will put up nice blogs about how good the company is. Listen i have contacted Ben Welch Bolen, the guy has morals of an alleycat. He appears to have no issue with young children being shown indecent images. Its only my opinion but i found his attitude to that issue was pretty sick, i wrongly thought he would be discusted that such a mistake could be made by his company. Perhaps that is normal in the mind of the Apthost CEO. I can not work with people like that. They lie, they cheat, they shut down servers, down sites, lose data. Please, Please do not use this circus. Find a reliable hosting company that will value you and your online hard work.
Find a hosting company that has a CEO who speaks the truth and is not into allowing young children to be subjected pornography, and will at least condemn it, if it happens accidentally.
Perhaps if Apthost survives administration this year it will survive if they are fortunate to get new CEOs rather than Ben Welch-bolen and Joel Brown as with this pair of clowns at the helm they are likely to sink.
Well Apthost and the two clowns Ben Welch-bolen and Joel Brown promised a prorata refund for my two accounts. That was on 27th January 2012.
Today is 5th March 2012 still no refund.
Surprised? no not really
Apthost has got worse on a weekly basis since the two idiots took over it, massive errors, huge downtimes, and always looking how to rip customers off.
Their tech guys on server side have not got a clue !!!
I had to teach them how things worked, why something did this or that, honestly the title tech can be given to anyone today at APTHOST.
I will give you some food for thought here about the good comments above about APTHOST.
Who goes looking for information about a company,
Happy customers?
New Customers?
unhappy customers?
The owners / employees?
Fact is the only ones that generally go looking will be
New customers or those considering apthost as they want to know what they are purchasing.
Unhappy customers – these want to know if others have had simillar problems and whether anyone else resolved, or to inform others.
Employees / owners, to see whats being said and to post good news about their company.
Now what about those coments from happy customers above.
Hmmm that is strange, why is a happy customer, with no issues looking for info on their hosting company?
Yep folks, i would bet that all or almost all good comments by customers turn out to be employees or Joel / Ben them selves.
Infact the two clown CEO’s of APTHOST do like to post comments on their hosting circus online. They love to tell you how much they value you and how good the company is.
Successful companies do not need to tell you how good they are, and as for value you, i would suggest the only value they have for you is the value of the cash in your pockets.
I strongly recommend you find a hosting company that will not lose all your data, will not play games, will not try overcharging you, has some basic technical knowledge and does not destroy all your hard work.
Some staff in the live chat are pleasant helpful people but above that the so called techs right up to CEO’s share a single brain cell, you might get lucky one day and talk to the one whos turn it is to have the brain cell that day.
Something made them pay up same day i posted this, just a few hours after.
But surprise surprise their mathamatics is as bad as their hosting, but whats not surprising is its wrong in their favour.
20% discrepancy in the favour of APTHOST
Hopefully thou with the sexual abuse aimed at children by Ben Welch-bolen and Joel Brown someone from the authorities will look at these two and lock them away so children are safer.
They are after all responsible for actions of APTHOST, and Ben at least laughed and when asked to comment, ignored the fact that hardcore porn had been distributed to a school website by his company, He refused to condemn the action or apologise. When asked if he thought it was normal to show young children obsene images, he declined to answer, i will assume that he does then find it exceptable behaviour and if that is the case the man would be defo a pervert that needs locking up.