You know how so many people ended up with a bad web host and jeopardized their business because of that? If you came to this page, you probably have decided not to make the same mistake of choosing a web host that sucks. Based on our research, there is no such thing as the best web hosting and there is no perfect web host. iPage Hosting is no exception.
Here are why so many people are using iPage to host their websites, making iPage one of the top 10 most popular web host today:
This is where some people said “ipage sucks”, wrote about “ipage complaints” and spread the words that “ipage sux”.
According to our research, here are the best hosting services based on different categories that may be more specific to your needs such as best reseller hosting, best cPanel hosting, best green hosting, best windows hosting, best ecommerce hosting, best online backup and much more. We recommend them because they don’t suck (literally). We gave these hosts our best ratings because they have the least problems with customers, least “suck” pages on Google SERP, and least negative feedback from users on this site. Their plans and packages also get less money-back requests from the money-back guarantee offered by these providers. Save your time. Get hosted and get on with your business today.
Note: The above list is not presented in any order. You should select a web host based on your requirements and usage plan.
Heart Internet Web Hosting sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “heart internet sucks” or “heart internet complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their UK competitors is what we meant. We also tried “heartinternet sucks”, “hearinternet sucks”, “heatinternet sucks”, “HeartInternet sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by HeartInternet. Sorry still none. (more…) Web Hosting sucks really bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “ebound host sucks” or “ebound host complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “eboundhost sucks”, “eboundhostt sucks”, “eboundhosting sucks”, “eBoundHost sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by eBoundHost. Sorry still none. (more…)
Heard that sucks? How about ThinkHost hosting problems? Saw some ThinkHost down times, Think Host complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about Thinkhost webhost? READ THIS FIRST!
If you are considering to get a hosting account from ThinkHost, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “ThinkHost Sucks” or “ThinkHost bad” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about thus far.
Did ThinkHost experiences and stories like below or made you think twice to signup with Thinkhost Hosting?
- “…it’s running so slow I can’t write a new post…”
- “…Sigh. Site has been down all day and no one at ThinkHost is responding. Don’t know enough about MySql to know if I can fix anything…”
- “I’m not happy ThinkHost. l I already blogged about the poor service I have been getting and this definitely doesn’t help…“
Heard that A2hosting sucks? How about A2hosting hosting problems? Saw some down times, A2 Hosting complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about webhost? READ THIS FIRST!
If you are considering to get a hosting account from A2hosting, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “A2hosting Sucks” or “A2hosting bad” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about thus far.
Did the A2hosting experiences and stories like below made you think twice to signup with A2 Hosting?
- “…I’ve had my site for almost two weeks now and am/was using to host an important next-generation corporate web application (AJAX/php/MySQL). My domain as well, as all A2 domains have been down for the past 10 hours.…”
- “…up time not sufficient / they go off line way to much / when you call phone rings busy for days at a time…”
- “We had a network event at our data center last month that caused some prolonged downtime…“
Supergreen Hosting sucks real bad. is so bad because it doesn’t have any bad reviews about it when we searched for “SuperGreen Hosting sucks” or “SuperGreen hosting complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “supergreen sucks”, “suppergreen sucks”, “supergreen hosting bad”, “SuperGreen sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart cookie cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by SuperGreen. Sorry still none. (more…)
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Heard about WebHostingBuzz problems? Some say Web Hosting Buzz scams or WebHostingBuzz sucks? Saw some issues, WebHostingBuzz complaints and bad customer experiences? Can these WHB negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about WHB limitations? READ THIS FIRST!
If you are considering to get a hosting account from WebHostingBuzz, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “WebHostingBuzz Sucks” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about thus far.
Did WebHostingBuzz experiences and stories like below made you think twice to signup with WebHostingBuzz?
- “…They advertise 99.95% uptime, but in reality it is more like 60-70%…”
- “I am very angry at them and I regret ever opening an account with them and referring them …”
- “…you’ll risk having your site deleted by an incompetent support team like mine was…“
Good Avocado Web Hosting is a problem hosting. is a big problem because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “goodavocado sucks” or “Good Avocado complaints” on Google today… yeah big problem for their competitors is what we meant.
We also tried “Good Avocados sucks”, “goodavocado sux”, “good avocado web sucks”, “Good Avocado complains” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Good Avocado. Sorry still none. (more…) Web Hosting is a problem hosting. They are are a big problem because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “hostpapa hosting sucks” or “HostPapa complaints” on Google today… yeah big problem for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “HostPapas sucks”, “hostpapa sux”, “Hostpappa sucks”, “HostPapa complains” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by HostPapa. Sorry not that many. (more…)
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