web hosting service sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any negative review about them when we searched for “coolhandle sucks” or “coolhandle complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried related keywords search including “Coldhandle sucks”, “coolhandle suck”, “coolhandle hosting sucks”, “Coolhandle sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Coolhandle. Sorry still none. (more…) web hosting service sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any negative review about them when we searched for “codero sucks” or “codero complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “codiro sucks”, “codero suck”, “codero hosting sucks”, “Codero sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Codero. Sorry still none. (more…) web hosting service sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any negative review about them when we searched for “wire nine sucks” or “wire nine complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “wirenine sucks”, “wirenine suck”, “wirenine hosting sucks”, “WireNine sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by WireNine. Sorry still none. (more…)
If you are considering to get ANY website hosting account (not just in particular), we always suggest that you search for how much they “suck” on the internet, i.e we searched for “ValueWeb Sucks” or “ValueWeb bad” on Google. However, sometimes these results can confuse you even more. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about thus far.
If you are looking for unlimited domains hosting on PHP and MySQL platform and has been eyeing on Fatcow, here is a word of warning. Do not go straight to and pay full price! (more…)
If you are considering to get ANY website hosting account (not just in particular), we always suggest that you search for how much they “suck” on the internet, i.e we searched for “PolurNet Sucks” or “PolurNet bad” on Google. However, sometimes these results can confuse you even more. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about thus far.
(more…) web hosting service sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad review about them when we searched for “jodohost sucks” or “jodohost complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “jodohost sux”, “jodo host sucks”, “ sucks”, “JodoHost suck” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by JodoHost. Sorry still none. (more…)
Heard that sucks? How about hosting problems? Saw some down times, hosting complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about Read this report first and judge for yourself! (more…) web hosting service sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “pacific host sucks” or “pacific host complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “pacifichost sucks”, “pasifichost sucks”, “pacifichosting sucks”, “PacificHost sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by PacificHost. Sorry still none. (more…)