If you have read our Coolhandle review, then you can decide for yourself if they are cool or they just suck.
“Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” -Napoleon Hill
If you are considering to get ANY website hosting account (not just Hostway.com in particular), we always suggest that you search for how much they “suck” on the internet, i.e we searched for “Hostway Sucks” or “Hostway bad” on Google. However, sometimes these results can confuse you even more. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about Hostway.com thus far.
Heard that Gate.com sucks? How about Gate.com hosting problems? Saw some Gate.com down times, Gate.com hosting complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about Gate.com.com? Read this report first and judge for yourself! (more…)
Pandela.com Web Hosting sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “pandela sucks” or “pandela complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant.
We also tried “pandela sucks”, “Pandela.com sucks”, “pandela sux”, “pandela suck” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Pandela. Sorry still none. (more…)
EasyASPHosting.com Web Hosting sucks really bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “easy asp hosting sucks” or “easy asp hosting complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “easyasp hosting sucks”, “easyasphosting sucks”, “easy asphosting sucks”, “EasyASPHosting sux” and other variation of misspells, just in case some smart arse cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by EasyASPHosting. Sorry still none. (more…)
HostExpress.com Web Hosting sucks really bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “host express sucks” or “host express complaints” on Google today… Alright, sucks for their competitors is what we really meant. We also tried “hostexpress sucks”, “hostexpres sucks”, “hostingexpress sucks”, “HostExpress sux” and other variations of misspelling, just in case some smart fella cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by HostExpress. Sorry still none. (more…)
Hosting4Less.com Web Hosting sucks real bad. They are so bad because they have so few bad reviews about them when we searched for “hosting4less sucks” or “hosting4less complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “hosting 4less sucks”, “host4less sucks”, “Hosting4less.com sucks”, “Hosting4Less sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Hosting4Less. Sorry still not as significant as other web hosts. (more…)
Heard that Rackspace sucks? How about Rackspace hosting problems? Saw some Rackspace down times, Rack Space hosting complaints or bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about Rackspace.com? Read this report first!
If you are considering to get a hosting account from Rackspace, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “Rackspace sucks” or “Rackspace bad” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about Rackspace.com thus far.
Did Rackspace experiences and stories like below or made you think twice to signup with Rackspace Hosting?
- “…The switchover to Rackspace was unpleasant and problematic…”
- “…Rackspace f—-ing sucks.”
- “Their support used to be good but again, everyone offers the same shit now….“
Heard about EasyCGI problems? Some say Easy CGI hosting scams? Saw some EasyCGI.com issues, EasyCGI complaints and bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about their limitations?
If you are considering to get a hosting account from EasyCGI, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “EasyCGI Sucks” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about EasyCGI.com thus far.
EasyCGI experiences and stories like below may make you think twice to signup with EasyCGI:
- “…they have gone from good to terrible. The sites are down very often, the support spits out…”
- “This week I have been experiencing downtime here and there. My husband and business partner are the only thing stopping me from jumping ship…”
- “They scheduled a 24hr maintenece window to xfer data centers and their entire operation has been a F#!%ing black hole for 5 days now…“
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