Dotster Domain Registrar is a disaster. They are so disastrous because they have very few bad reviews about them when I searched for “dotster registrar sucks” on Google search… yeah disaster for their competitors is what I meant. I also tried “dot ster sucks”, “doster sucks”, “dotsster sucks”, “dotster sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Dotster. Sorry still too few.
If you are considering a domain registrar, you should do a search for keywords “X Registrar Sucks” on Google. Perhaps you have already read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about registar X but doing the “X sucks” search may reveal the true side of the domain provider.
I try not to be biased when I do reviews but with Dotster, it is hard not to. They are definitely one of the best domain registration services based on the fact above. So I have no problem recommending it to anyone. Now click here to checkout the plan most suitable for you and start on a reliable hosting at lower price or type the url
You don’t need another Doster critique to decide. You can read as many critical review, comments or criticism you can find. Here is the challenge to find a better domain registrar than what I just recommended. Go search for some other domain registrar with lesser “X sucks” pages on Google, and post them down here in the comment box. Please do post a comment here and I will retract this recommendation.
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Also need a hosting plan? Don’t put yourself into bigger risk with Dotster Web Hosting before reading our comments and review on why Dotster Web Hosting Sucks .
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