It is a very common misconception that when you get a shared hosting account, you can stay there forever even if your traffic grows. This is the reason why every single hosting provider on the planet sucks. Because no single provider will be able to cater for every possible customer needs.
The truth is, shared hosting business thrive by serving low consumption customers. No matter what a web host say about their UNLIMITED (disk space, bandwidth, database) packages, these are real servers and infrastructure with limited resources they have to deal with. No hard-drive with unlimited space has been invented nor have they come out with a solution where network equipments can handle unlimited traffic.
So has come up with an estimate on how to tell which hosting account you should be using based on your page view and bandwidth usage. This is a rough estimate for a common WordPress blog website. If you are not sure about your bandwidth usage, forget about it. Just look at you daily visit of page view.
From our experience and experience of others, here is a rough estimate to tell what kind of hosting account you should take.
PV/day | Bandwith | Suggested Plan | Recommended Hosts Recommended Discounts |
0-300 | < 1GB/month | cheap shared | Fatcow |
301-1000 | 5GB/month | shared | InMotion |
1000-2000 | 10GB/month | premium shared | Webfaction [upgradable] |
2000-3000 | 30GB/month | premium shared | Webfaction [upgraded] |
3000-10000 | 100GB/month | dedicated virtual (VPS) | 1&1 VPS [3 months free] |
10000+ | 100GB+/month | dedicated |
For list of best dedicated server hosting providers, visit
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