Finding a good hosting provider to host your online business and for your web presence is hard enough. Getting the rest of your business essentials should not be as hard or pricey.
Here are some of the best free stuff and free trials to kick off your new small or medium business. Even if you have been in the business for awhile, these samples, freebies and trials can be very useful in your business, even for the short 30-day trial periods. Most of these trials and freebies are available by just signing up on the internet. Many may require you put your credit card information but you can easily cancel before the trial period is over. Most software will allow free download or online scanning and usable for free for no more than a month. Most samples are free although you have to fork a little shipping cost.
We have managed to send and receive faxes across the globe, make short but important International calls, prepare some business cards to give out to potential clients, scan our PCs for potential virus and security threat, manage our online shopping cart via Windows desktop interface, and much much more. All those at no charge! Read the rest of this entry »
Heart Internet Web Hosting sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “heart internet sucks” or “heart internet complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their UK competitors is what we meant. We also tried “heartinternet sucks”, “hearinternet sucks”, “heatinternet sucks”, “HeartInternet sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by HeartInternet. Sorry still none. Read the rest of this entry »
When you are contemplating a hosting company, it is important to review them and ensure that they don’t have too many negative feedbacks. You can check a hosting company for poor reviews by searching for “Hosting Company X Sucks” in,, or your favorite search engine and looking over the results that appear. Following this line of advice, we searched “hosting 24 sucks“, “hosting 24 complaints“, “hosts24 sucks“, “hosting24 sux“, “host24 sucks” as well as variations that include possibly misspelled reviews, such as “host24 sux” and “hosting 24 sux.” Read the rest of this entry » Web Hosting sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “tiger sites sucks” or “tiger sites complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “tiggersites sucks”, “tigersite sucks”, “tigersit sucks”, “TigerSites sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by TigerSites. Sorry still none. Read the rest of this entry »
Listed below are the some hosting companies suggested by Timothy Ferriss. He definitely thinks these web hosting companies do not suck. Who cares about what the minorities said about these hosting companies. The more important point is that the lifestyle design guru endorses these services so host with confidence and start your passive income muse today. Read the rest of this entry »
You think your web host sucks? Buy one of these t-shirts and send it to them. Or you can keep one as a reminder to yourselves of how bad they are and move to next hosting company. Web Hosting sucks really bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “net-trend sucks” or “net-trend complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “net trend sucks”, “nettrend sucks”, “net trends sucks”, “Net-Trend sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by Net-Trend. Sorry still none. Read the rest of this entry »
Heard about Carbonite upload problems? Some say Carbonite online storage scams or Carbonite sucks? Saw some Carbonite sharing issues, Carbonite complaints and bad customer experiences? Can these negative reviews be trusted? Heard some horror stories about their limitations? READ THIS FIRST!
If you are considering to get a web storage account from Carbonite, you may want to (or probably have tried to) search for the keywords “Carbonite Sucks” on Google. However, the result may confuse you. Perhaps you have read tons of good stuff and rave reviews about Carbonite thus far.
Did Carbonite experiences and stories like below or made you think twice to signup with Carbonite online backup company?
- “…As an employee of Mozy, I’m already not a big fan of Carbonite. Apparently they just redesigned their website and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to put a headless man on the home page…”
- “Well I’m glad I didn’t make it past the free 2 weeks. They canceled my account…”
- “Carbonite sucks. Killed my machine also…“
We started with a humble beginning to give an alternative method to find the best hosting solutions. Now we are mainstream and the method to find the best webhost that we promote is being used by many to find their hosting solution of choice. We also believe we are now mainstream because they are a few web hosting companies that are now afraid that our reviews may damage their reputation. We are sorry that we have to present the truth to the people. If your company truly sucks, you probably are afraid of us now. Read the rest of this entry »
StableHost sucks real bad. They are so bad because they don’t have any bad reviews about them when we searched for “stable host sucks” or “stable host complaints” on Google today… yeah sucks for their competitors is what we meant. We also tried “stablehost sucks”, “stablehostt sucks”, “stablehosting sucks”, “StableHost sux” and other variation of misspells, just incase some smart ass cannot even spell the host name right or try to avoid being sued by StableHost. Sorry still none. Read the rest of this entry »
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